Tanintharyi Region Investment Forum 2019 was held at the Pearl Laguna Resort in Myeik, Tanintharyi Region on 7thDecember, 2019. It was organized by the Tanintharyi Region Government, Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee, supported by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) in cooperation with the Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA) focusing on promoting trade, investment, and ecotourism in Tanintharyi Region and creating linkages between local and foreign investors.

The Forum was attended by 530 participants notably Vice President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, U Myint Swe, Chairman of the Peace Commission, Dr. Tin Myo Win, Chief Minister of Tanintharyi Region Government, U Myint Maung, Speaker of the Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw, Region Chief Judge,  Deputy Ministers, Ministers of States and Regions Government, the Ambassadors from Foreign Embassies in Myanmar, Members of Myanmar Investment Commission as well as departmental officials and representatives of embassies, international organizations, foreign investors, local businesses and the media.

According to the agenda, Vice President U Myint Swe, Chief Minister U Myint Maung, Deputy Minister U Set Aung, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Linn, and Regional Planning and Finance Minister Daw Yee Yee Cho opened the Exhibition Booths by cutting a ribbon in the morning at Sea View Condo, Myeik. Then, the Vice President and distinguished guests went around the exhibition booths of investment opportunities and products of Tanintharyi Region.

Afterward, the opening ceremony of the Investment Forum was continued with the traditional cultural dances at the Pearl Laguna Resort. After that, the Vice President opened the forum by ringing the Myanmar traditional Golden Gong 3 times and delivered the Keynote address.  In his keynote address, Vice President said that “Ecotourism is a strong sector for growth in Tanintharyi. Also, Tanintharyi region has many opportunities to produce the value added products and to enter to the world market. Tanintharyi region sits as a gateway of Greater Mekong Sub-region and locates a strategic place to connect the countries from the region and the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC). We will take good example of the countries whose coastal regions are frontiers in development. Dawei Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) of Tanintharyi region is one of the contributors in enhancing coastal region development.”

Next, Chief Minister U Myint Maung, Deputy Minister U Set Aung, and Chairman of MIDA U Khin Maung Aye delivered the opening remarks respectively.

Following the opening session, the four panel discussions regarding investment opportunities in Tanintharyi Region was convened.

A business matching session was held in the afternoon. Many of foreign investors, local investors from other states and regions and local businessmen from Tanintharyi Region participated and discussed future cooperation. Participants of the forum are scheduled to tour the places of interest for potential investors and tourist attractions.